Patient Participation Group

About The PPG

Engaging the involvement of our patients is a very helpful process to ensuring our services are shaped to best meet patients’ needs and we are in the process of re-establishing our Patient Participation Group (PPG) following the practice merger last year.

Join The Patient Participation Group (PPG)

To help us with this we invite any patient who would like to contribute to the practice to join our informal and friendly Patient Participation Group (PPG)

if you are interested in being considered for the group, please complete the sign up form below:

Signup to the Patient Participation Group

Date of Birth
The information below will help to make sure that we receive feedback from a representative sample of the patients registered at this practice.
Your Age
How would you describe how often you come to the practice?

In order to gather a truly representative sample of patients together, we welcome patients from all manner of diverse backgrounds including young people, students, workers, carers, retired people, people with long term conditions, and people from non-British ethnic groups.

The role of the PPG 

  • Being a critical friend to the organisation
  • Advising the organisation on patient perspective and providing an insight into the responsiveness and quality of services
  • Encouraging patients to take greater responsibility for their own and their family’s health
  • Carrying out research into the views of those who use the organisation
  • Organising health promotion events and improving health literacy
  • Regular communication with the patient population

The Role of PPG Members

  • Liaise with patients and carers, discussing concerns and comments pertinent to organisation services
  • Champion the PPG, actively engaging with the patient population and local community
  • Attend and contribute to meetings, sending apologies in advance to the secretary in cases of known absence
  • Remain polite and objective throughout meetings, listening to and respecting other members
  • Be constructive and balanced when contributing to PPG meetings
  • Represent the patient population effectively, expressing the views of the population in an objective manner
  • Undertake any training and development opportunities that may arise for the benefit of the PPG

The PPG is not:

  • A forum for complaints – members must not use the Group as a vehicle to resolve their own personal issues
  • A doctor’s fan club – in order for the Group to be valuable, you must have the confidence to challenge the practice as a critical friend
  • A time consuming activity for practice staff – after the initial set up, the Group should be self-organising and patient-led and undertake activities that save the practice time
  • A “talking shop” – Group members will be expected to undertake activities outside of the quarterly meetings

The next Ryeland Surgery Group meeting will be on: 

Hold until further notice.